Friday, 27 February 2009

So much more to smile about ......

Spring is on its way as evidenced by the view from my craft room window - I couldn't resist taking a photo when I came home just after midday to the noise of a tractor ploughing the field at the back of our house - and I thought it would be nice to show you what I look out onto each day when I am in my 'happy space'.

This is the strikingly beautiful card I received from my friend Louise and spoke about in my previous post - I love it - pink being one of my favourite colours - the inside is decorated, as was the envelope - I think the layout is great and it has helped me with a project I have been trying to pull together for a young girl's crafty birthday party I have very soon.

As you can see the inside is as lovely as the outside - and I shall treasure it - thank you Louise x

Tess Update: Progress is steady and she is taking all her tablets even the horrible antacid preparation which Charlie has to syringe gently into her mouth to coat her tummy before she has a little of her special diet food. She is so used to having little tidbits during the day that it is difficult to remember that she is poorly and really mustn't have them just for the moment - her brown eyes are so very appealing - but all in good time.

Thank you for popping by once again - particularly if you came back to view Louise's card and read a Tess Update.


Thursday, 26 February 2009

At Last ..... Tessie's Home.

We all went to collect her after John got home from school today. At this moment she is sleeping in her bed, happy to be home.
We have a cocktail of tablets to administer, a special diet over the next week and a regime that would rival a military operation - adhered to with the help of a timetable that I have drawn up complete with tick boxes - I kid you not, I have always been a girly who loves her tick lists.
I'll whisper the next bit - yes, we have had the main event - what a relief, no innuendo intended.
Thank you for popping back - as the vet reminded us we are not out of the woods yet but I do feel a renewed sense of optimism, not that I ever doubted she would come back to us, but I am aware it will take a little while for Tess to regain full health.
On another happy note I received a beautiful card from my friend Louise, she is wonderfully talented, to say congratulations on becoming an SU Demo - what with all that is happening I haven't managed to photograph it yet - I will and I'll post it tomorrow - pop back and take a peek and you will see just what I mean.


Wednesday, 25 February 2009

A Tess Update

Thank goodness, I got my first look at TessieBear since Friday evening when she was rushed to the vets. She looked like Tess again - her eyes sparkling and tail wagging - although clearly looking to come home. Her tummy has a very long scar down the centre, and she's still attached to a drip - which may be removed tomorrow - Thursday. Charlie has always visited up 'til now as we were very mindful of how busy they are and how poorly Tess has been - so I was very grateful to have seen her for myself.

It is approaching midnight and turning into tomorrow (Thursday) as I type so theoretically she may be home today - depending on how things go over the course of the next 8 - 10 hours - as long as they are confident we can manage that would be wonderful.

Just a note before I go - the nurse who stayed with us while we were with Tessie today had assisted at her operations and revealed how it was 'touch and go' through out and all they could do after performing their best was to wait and see - but I had a secret weapon - all your positive thoughts, heartfelt prayers and good wishes for Tessie's recovery were so vital and whilst I may not get the opportunity to meet you all I thank you all once again - even if you didn't leave a comment but you popped back to read of her progress and said a quiet ' Hope she gets better soon' I believe it all helped - noone could convince me otherwise - thank you.

Maybe today will be the day she comes home - I'll wait and see and I'll let you know.


Tuesday, 24 February 2009

A Sincere Form of Flattery ....... and a Tess Update

It is said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery - in my case it is true. I have loved this Stampin' Up! set - Bloomin' with Beauty - for a long time and it was on my wish list for my Starter Kit.
There are so many lovely examples in the current Stampin' Up! Idea Book and Catalogue that on this occasion I decided to follow their example very closely with just a few tweaks and colour changes - if you have a catalogue check it out on page 40. My card is smaller with more use of Bashful Blue, both in ribbon and the colour of the 'blooms' - all the edges are inked in Chocolate Chip and my little bee decided to dance somewhere else - but apart from that it's pretty close ...... and I hope flattering to the original SU design.

I meant to get around to my Upline Sally's challenge but I'm too late - I like the sketch which I had decided to attempt from SketchSaturday so I think I will do it and post it anyway - tomorrow hopefully - as my ideas were very nearly in place - I hope she will forgive me lol.

Update on Tess: Well, bless her, she continues to improve - and getting the sparkle back in her eyes a little more each day - Charlie phones every morning and visits every afternoon - it's not that we, myself and John, don't want to - we are just so mindful that to go en masse may just be a little too much - so we must be patient and wait - we are hopeful of a homecoming this weekend.

As it has gone midnight and this may now have slipped into Wednesday - if you are continuing to pop by thank you so much - as always, it is appreciated.


Monday, 23 February 2009

Two Lovely Surprises .... and A Tess Update

I have to say I have met the sweetest people since I have been writing this crafty blog and I am amazed to say that I have received two, yes two, awards - both from blogs that I have come to visit daily and look forward to discovering what they have been creating to further inspire me.
My first is from Anne, she and I went to college together - and choosing the same course is only one of the many similarities that have continued to be revealed - it has been a real pleasure rediscovering her here as part of the SU family.
My second is from Steph - although she has the demands of a young family she continues to produce such lovely work on a daily basis and it has become part of my routine to check her blog each day.

That's why both are part of my Favourite Blogs List - please check them for yourself - you won't be disappointed.

Update on Tess: Steady progress is still being made - but as you can imagine the vets are waiting for the main event - putting it delicately her little insides have taken quite a battering and they want to ensure that all aspects are functioning well - and not having had a lot to eat that may take a few days. She is fast becoming a little star at the vets - she is a pretty little thing with a very sweet disposition and endearing little ways - each day, we are hoping, brings us closer to the one when she is given the green light and can come home.
Thank you to all who keep popping back for a quick update - I'll continue until she is home safe and sound - Sandy, our Golden Lab, is beginning to miss his ear and face washer - I'm afraid she mothers him.


Inspired by another SU Demo ......

You will see a link to Stampin' Pretty in my favourite blogs - she has such lovely designs and generally posts everyday - which is brilliant when you need inspiration - fast.

I loved this design as soon as I saw it - I took my print and placed it in my desk folder with a note of whose work it was - I kept the basic layout but used the SU products that I had in my stash.

Wow - it was that easy to pull together - no searching trying to match colours of card with ribbon, with brads and then finding the right sentiment - it just happened.

A thank you to Mary Fish for the inspiration and a thank you to SU for fab products - if you've noted the time of my post it's early hours of the morning, having difficulty sleeping so I don't need anything too taxing.

Well, I'll snatch a few hours of sleep - it's Monday now - a busy day so I'm pleased I've said an early 'Good Morning' to anyone popping by.


PS Will do Tess Update when we have news later today - hopeful of continued progress.

Sunday, 22 February 2009

A lovely surprise from my Upline ..... and an update

With all that is going on at the moment I thought that I would share something with you that made me feel very special earlier in the week.

As you know I have signed to be an SU Demo with Sally as my Upline - she is extremely encouraging and a lovely person as demonstrated by the thoughtful surprise gift that she sent thro' to me. Funnily enough I had seen it on her blog but assumed it was for someone else so imagine my delight when it turned out to be mine.

A lovely card, which I shall use for inspiration, a gorgeous CD Holder complete with instructional/resource CD beautifully decorated and the piece de resistance a cute ribbon holder - this will be fab when demonstrating - our craft is very tactile and as crafters we love to touch and feel the quality of a product - thank you Sally - totally unexpected and a lovely surprise.

An update on Tess: Much more encouraging news - my husband visited her this afternoon and although weak she adored seeing her 'daddy' - she has eaten a little scrambled egg and been to the loo - all very positive - the vet is very encouraged by this - she will remain there several more days under observation - I can't begin to say thank you enough to all those who have sent such lovely comments and wished her well. If I may I shall continue to put a little note at the bottom of my posts to keep updating everyone who pops by to check on her progress.

I realise that my blog is, and will be, primarily a crafty one but so many crafters have soft and gentle hearts, as evidenced over the last few days, that it has helped to share this with you. Mine is certainly no different and I thank you from the bottom of it - your comments truly made a difference.


Saturday, 21 February 2009

Bless her, she's thro' the second op ....

Oh my goodness what sweet people I seem to have connected with on this blog - thank you for all the lovely notes of encouragement and prayers for TessieBear.
It seems that she had a golf ball lodged in her small intestine - this had perhaps been 48-72 hours ago - but it had done a lot of damage on its journey thro' her little system so when they performed the first operation anticipating one problem they discovered another and she had to undergo more surgery.
She is only a petite little thing but has been my husband's little 'angel' since the day she came to our home nearly three years ago and they have a particularly close bond - I always say they rescued one another - Sandy and TessieBear came to us thro' Labrador Lifeline Trust - a picture of her can be found in the Star Book post - Priceless Memories - please don't think she overshadows Sandy, but he is so just 'there' - steady, calm and dependable - I know there are lots of pet lovers out there who can relate, whether the pet is big or small they all have their own special qualities.
So now we play the waiting game and pray that she has the determination and strength to pull thro - we should hear more tomorrow - but we know we are far from out of the woods at this stage - but we are one small step closer. Believe me, to know that there are such kind people out there wishing her well is tremendously humbling and my close friends, for sending their love and prayers for Tessie, you know how precious you are to me and I am so grateful you are in my life.
I shall keep everyone posted on her progress and what I pray will be her road to recovery.

A winner has been found ......

Congratulations to Ava in the Netherlands on winning my first blog candy.

My little boy drew the name from the 'hat' this morning and then promptly tipped all the others over his head!!!!

Update on Tess - she has had a comfortable night but we won't know more until later this morning - but now it's the usual round of activities - guitar lesson and a party later this afternoon - no, that's not me - that's my little boy lol.
Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment and link to their blog - I am gradually getting round to viewing them all - but you managed to push the statcounter to over 2400, nearly 2500 - which is amazing!!!


Now to find a winner ........

Thank you for all who entered my first blog candy - I have checked with GMT and it is now after midnight and is officially Saturday 21 February 2009.
So now all that remains is to collect all the names, literally put them in a hat (or box) and let my little boy John draw out a winner in the morning - good luck to everyone - I shall be back in the morning with photographic evidence.
On a sadder note our little black Labrador Tess is spending the night in the vet's - she has been unable to keep anything in her tummy and has become dehydrated - I thought I would be able to rehydrate orally but the vet was right this morning she needed to be on a drip - we shall find out how she is tomorrow - so major feelings of guilt on my part as we took her in this evening at nearly 10.00pm - we all love her to bits - she is in my blog post - Priceless Memories - so lots of tears here this evening but we are praying hard that she will soon be her usually bouncy self and not in need of any surgery, which is, unfortunately, a possibility.
I look forward to a brighter tomorrow and being the bearer of happier news on all fronts.


Friday, 20 February 2009

Love & Romance Blog Candy.......

This post will stay at the top for the next 10 days until midnight Friday 20 February with the random winner notified on Saturday 21 February.
When you leave a comment on the link below your name will be entered into the draw, if you have a blog would you be kind and place a link back to me - but please don't worry if you don't have a blog by leaving a comment you will be entered into the draw just the same - promise. Can't leave a comment, don't worry email me I'd love to push my counter nearer to 1000 with your help.

Now I would have liked to offer SU Candy - and I will do in the future because, guess what? - I finally did it, I couldn't hold out any longer, I signed up to be an SU Demo today - but anyone reading my blog knows I work with limited SU supplies right now so, I thought that my first offering of blog candy would have a theme of love and romance - quite apt with Valentine's Day this weekend and the wedding season just around the corner.

Within the stash there are pretty ribbon stickers from Papermania, DCWV and Anita's along with a 5 metre bundle of loose ribbon together with a metre long string of tiny pearls. Adhesive Transparent Stones and Heart Brads from Papermania with Flatbacked Adhesive Pearls from Habico and metal Charmed Words and Heartshaped Eyelets from Making Memories. Finally three wooden stamps on a heart theme along with Wedding Sentiment Rub-ons and two packets of 3D wedding embellishments - a nice bundle for scrapbooking.

Thank you for stopping by - fingers crossed that this post remains at the top - so please scroll down for the latest card offering.


Thursday, 19 February 2009

Well, the tidying continues but .....

My goodness, have you seen the statcounter? I wanted to push towards one thousand and you have got me there and beyond - an amazing two thousand plus - thank you all so much - particularly if you are checking back to take another peek at my blog.

As you know my Starter Kit arrived and that spurred me on to really start, and I mean really start, tidying thro my 'happy space' - although I realise that it will take me some time to become fully SU I have to start as I mean to go on - alot of my craft bits have gone on my ebay site - if you Google Cherry Hill Crafts you'll find me - my Tildas are on their last few days - I'm delighted to say that many of them found lovely new homes with my crafty friends.

Now, I don't know about you but I love to look for examples of work that I particularly like and take a print for future reference when inspiration needs a little help - well, quite a pile was beginning to take over my desk so I set to and made a little holder from some mountboard - now that I have them neatly arranged, I can flip thro them and they are easily viewed and not taking up too much room. I also like to make a note of where I found the design. For instance, the gorgeous example shown in the photo using Stampin' Up! products is over on Steph's blog at - do take a peek she offers lots of inspiration and is very generous with her blog candy.

I shall return to my sorting now and perhaps when tidy I might take a photo of my 'happy space' - but truly 'tis nothing special compared to some I have seen but it certainly puts a smile on my face and it's all mine.

Hope you call back soon - Bridgette

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

Oh dear, a little tale of woe ......

Hello and a big thank you to everyone so far who has kindly had a peep at my blog and left their details to win the candy - due to close at midnight (GMT) Friday 20 February - and have you seen the counter - we have over 1500!!!!
Now, as you know I am part of Sally's downline team and she set us a small challenge - to use the colours Bashful Blue, Brilliant Blue and More Mustard - mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I thought to myself not the first set of colours my little crafting hand would reach for. Well, as I explained earlier, at Lou's Hostess Party (see my previous post) Sally kindly gave me a piece of Brilliant Blue cardstock knowing that I had none - now this was precious to me because I'm not immediately drawn to the Bold Brights colour family so it was kept safely in my bag. So far so good but what follows is a sad little tale of woe.
Well, once in my 'happy space', aka my crafting room, I set to work - nothing - not a sausage - as I pushed various bits of paper around the surface of my white base cardstock - I drew a blank. Please tell me more of you get moments like this.
I finally settled on something, because you see, even when working with quite masculine colours I am still drawn to feminine images - I ploughed on - using my only piece of precious Brilliant Blue cardstock I matted my image - I kid you not - this is virtually the size of the piece of card that I was given - you see, challenge now takes on a whole new meaning!!! I continued to shuffle the More Mustard around the image until I was blue in the face.
At this point I was physically standing in my 'happy space' but mentally I certainly wasn't there, out of sheer desperation I cut two tiny blue scraps to attach to the ends of the More Mustard strips - it offers some symmetry but I kid you not I was now seriously sad.
So I started again - the nearest blue I had was Not Quite Navy - so please just imagine it is Brilliant Blue and whilst I'm not much happier with the second version it has more to endear it to me than the first. As you can see version two is at the top and version one is below and very, very small - need I say more.

Ohhh, I nearly forgot to mention - my starter kit arrived and it is gorgeous - I was delighted with what I had chosen - the fab thing is there are elements within the Starter Kit that can be tailored more to your personality - cardstock, inks and images - so Rich Regals were my choice and I couldn't be happier.
I shall be showing you what I have been doing over the next day or so - please pop back if you can - sorry about my tale of woe above I just needed to share!!
Just a little while later .................................
Oh dear - it's now not so much a tale of woe as a case of mistaken identity - I have just checked and the colour combination was Bashful Blue, Brilliant Blue and PUMPKIN PIE not More Mustard - an altogether nicer combination - I think I shall have to pass on this one unless I can somehow use elements from what I have already made - if I manage a rescue attempt I'll show you what I come up with - I'm not holding my breath - Bridgette

Friday, 13 February 2009

Oh lovely .... a Hostess Party!!

Yesterday was alot of fun - it was my friend Lou's turn to host her party as part of Sally's Stampers 10 Group - you can read all about it here - I have to agree with Sally - we can CHATTER!!
Sally showed fab examples of what can be achieved with the SU products and you could almost hear the wish lists groan under the strain - I know mine did.
It is always so much fun to get together with others that share the same passion for crafting and to see newcomers discover the possibilities that SU offers and the ease with which beautiful cards can be put together.
I have to confess I was chatting so much I took my make and take home and played around with it there - the design that Sally showed us was so versatile that it was easy to add an individual twist.
As some of you know I have recently signed to become an SU Demo, joining Sally's growing team, and I have discovered that my Starter Kit has been shipped - so hopefully it will be with me some time next week - I have chosen another colour family to play with - Rich Regals - and some super stamp sets - so I shall enjoy showing you what I have produced.

Hope you like how I added to Sally's original version of the card - that's one aspect of crafting that I have always loved - give five people the same supplies and you'll get five completely different cards!!
See you over the weekend.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

I love pink ......

Hello again - as promised in yesterday's post - here is the pink version that I wanted to have a play with - following exactly the same lines but using the Heart Embossing Folder and gold brads - all the other elements are Pretty in Pink - very girlie I'm afraid - but such an easy card to put together.

I've quite a few errands to run today so I shall be doing my blog hopping later - very excited about finally signing up under Sally (see favourite blogs in my sidebar) to be an SU demo - bit scary too, I hope I can make it work!!


Tuesday, 10 February 2009

Variation on a Theme .......

Good morning - thank you for calling by - I liked my card yesterday, although I fear my colour schemes are governed by the SU papers I have available.

So, undaunted, I decided to make my own using my stamps - the ones from the Season of Joy - swirly one and teeny tiny flower. I chose to use White Linen Effect Cardstock and Bashful Blue Cardstock, together with the Bashful Blue Ink and gorgeous Taffeta Ribbon with a silver brad for extra detail. I also used the Divine Swirl Cuttlebug Embossing Folder - if you click on the photo to enlarge it it is much easier to see these details.

Mmm, I like it. I shall make another using Pretty in Pink items and choosing another of the words from my Small Script - I'll show you when I've completed it.

I am going to put my blog candy on when I have learned how to keep the post at the top - I bought a fab book yesterday - hot off the press - Google Blogger for Dummies - I have started at the beginning - always the best place to start - and I shall be very accomplished by the time I read the last page and hopefully the knowledge will be of benefit to my blog.

Thank you for stopping by and if you have the time please leave a comment - if you are experiencing difficulty please email me and let me know.

Hopefully see you again soon.


Monday, 9 February 2009

My take on a SCS Challenge .....

Well, here we go for a new week - I popped across to Stampin' Pretty ( see my favourite Blog List) and found a lovely card layout inspired by Splitcoast Sketch Challenge SC214 - so I just flipped it and used the Chocolate Chip cardstock and Tea and Crumpets Designer Paper.

Following my layout I embossed some of the pieces to match the paper, inked the edges and used little shiny gold brads for accent, turning down one corner to reveal the Small Script word Joy - it's what I feel in my 'happy space' aka my craft room!

Now I have to zip and do the week's shopping - I shall do all my blog hopping later on this evening - I shall say 'hello' then.


Sunday, 8 February 2009

I Love Minigami ....

Opps, where have I been? Honestly where has the time gone? I was with my lovely scrapcrop friends on Saturday - I just love those girlies, and they know who they are - including the ones that couldn't make it - big hug to them all.

Now down to business - I love origami so when I found a book called Minigami by Gay Merrill Gross I couldn't resist it. Now strictly speaking origami paper should be used but I attempted to use the Designer Paper, well I think I finally got something passable on the third attempt!!

The quality of these papers are such that they are a little too thick, which is lovely ordinarily, well have a look and let me know, if you can, as some people are still having difficulty leaving me comments.

Now I'm off to do the rounds of my favourite blogs - many of which are listed at the side - do take a look they offer some lovely cards.


Thursday, 5 February 2009

More Shabby than Chic?

I thought I would play with some stronger colours today and this is the result - it's using Rose Red Designer Papers and Tea and Crumpets with a white card base.

I love the individual elements - scallop edge and circle with paper piercing detail - sizzlit buttons with faux paper thread and the little paper brads but not convinced that they work together - would you let me know what you think?

Some of my friends are saying that they are having difficulty leaving a comment - I'll put my email address in the side panel I think, at least then you can let me know if this is the case - although I like to visit a number of blogs and I don't always leave a comment.

On a very nice note - my little fledging blog will be a month old on the 10th and I think I will mark the occasion with a little blog candy - it will be a very intimate affair as there aren't that many visitors at the moment so the odds are very good when the numbers are smaller.

I thank you once again for taking the time out of your day to visit me - I know I go on sometimes but I really do so appreciate your comments and visits.

See you soon


Something Blue .....

Apologies this post should have been on much earlier - the fact is that it is now after midnight and I thought I would put it on now - those that know me know that I am a bit of a night owl - but I am trying to get better - that's a 'hoot' I can hear them say - leopards and spots and all that!!
I love this stamp set - although having a Stamp-a-ma-jig thingy would probably help me align it better - wish list, I know - so I decided to use Bashful Blue and Not Quite Navy on Vanilla Cardstock - and I like it very much. Simple layout = quick card = job done.
Yippee!! I have ordered some additional stamp sets - Summer by the Sea I am so looking forward to receiving this set so that I can have a go at watercolouring them - and Bundle of Joy - so cute for the baby cards.
Where is this week going? Thursday already, but I am so looking forward to scrapping on Saturday with the girls and having a giggle - such fun.
Back soon.

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

A Chocolate Girl - who me?!!

Hello - this is just a super quick post to add to the one on my lovely friend Anne's blog - - I found it this morning in my local Co-op store and couldn't resist buying it - but, of course, I won't be eating it except perhaps in the interests of scientific research to discover whether it really makes me happy - I'll let you know my findings later lol - Bridgette x

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

A small addition ......

Here is the poem for the third page of the star book - see below - for some reason it didn't seem to enlarge when you clicked on it - so hopefully this will help.

And here is the one that is on the last page of the book - off to do the school run and the shopping that should have been done yesterday!!

For the full post scroll down to the last post.

Bridgette x

Monday, 2 February 2009

Priceless Memories ..... a scrapbook project

I thought that I would post again today and share with you a project that I made a little while ago but something which I never tire of looking at - a star book of my little star. It was my first attempt and I would now like to try again but using a smaller format - hopefully by the end of the week before our Scrapcrop Group meets on Saturday - so I'm throwing down a gauntlet for myself as I've been meaning to do it for a while - and now I've told all of you I'd better pick it up!!
The first page shows my husband, Charlie and our little boy John, on Father's Day - I have always tried to ensure that there is a photograph of the day as I plan to compile just a scrapbook of Father's Days eventually - the opposite page shows them at the Ferrari factory at Maranello - both love sports cars so it was a dream day for them.

The second page is showing John where he is happiest - outside and up a tree - preferably in commando outfit - although to be fair this was two plus years ago but not much has changed.

The third page is taken whilst travelling down to Italy - we had stopped for lunch, Switzerland I think, and John had spotted this HUGE bear and couldn't resist giving it a cuddle - the poem always makes me stop and think how precious each year is as it passes us by - sometimes in too much of a rush - definitely a case of making time to stop and smell the roses.
The fourth page shows our two beautiful Labrador dogs that came to us just when they were most needed via The Labrador Lifeline Trust nearly three years ago - they were our lifeline and we were theirs - I love the special bond that is formed between a child and his or her pet no matter the size.

The last page was taken at our final destination of our Italian holiday, in Pompeii, we had visited 10 years earlier and I was so looking forward to returning and I wasn't disappointed - I loved it - in fact, I love Italy. This photo is one of my favourites and the words of the poem are thought-provoking - as parents we try to guide our children to the best of our ability and that is an awesome responsibility.

I have to say that I love scrapping as much as cardmaking - although as yet I haven't scrapped using only SU products - and with my limited stash that is a challenge.

Hope you've enjoyed having a little glimpse of my family.

Bridgette x

Not quite the Saturday Sketch ...

Brrrrr - it's snowy here so I thought that I would post what I made for the Saturday Sketch - see the previous post - but I don't think I followed the rules closely enough yet I'm pleased with the result.

I seem to be having a Chocolate Chip and Old Olive 'thing' going on but I had to resort to my non-SU images to complete the card - I think if I had it I would have used the Lovely As A Tree set - the ones I used are from PSX, a company sadly no longer producing stamps - but like SU the quality was always first rate.

Hope you are keeping warm wherever you are - I'll be back tomorrow.

Bridgette x